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    Bluewater sailing is all in the preparation...


    ... we join the dots with you.


    We provide you with a roadmap and knowledge to help you prepare boat and crew for an adventure.


    We recognise, you need to be in control throughout. We have the expertise to help you deliver.

  • How It Works

    We split each Adventure Project into clear phases, leaving you to determine how far our involvement goes.


    Assessment phase

    We run a series of interviews and onboard visits to learn about your project and determine the current level of you and your boats preparation.

    We provide reports highlighting skills gaps, maintenance issues onboard and systems potentially requiring upgrades.

    • Clear project plan from the outset
    • Estimated budget and priority spends
    • Maintenance work list & systems assessment



    Refit & Shakedown

    We use phase 1 reports to create crew training and maintenance programmes. We use our in-house engineering skills and systems to make sure all works programmes are completed on time. We make sure to train the crew on new systems and complete a thorough boat shakedown.

    • High quality work completed to bluewater standards at competitive rates
    • Project managed on time and on budget
    • Crew Training planner

    Final Preparation

    A scheduled period between the refit phase and final departure is common. We re-engage with you closer to the departure date and conduct final checks to make sure both the crew and boat are ready to go.

    • Planned Mainenance System (PMS) created
    • Crew training on all systems inc Emergencies Plan
    • Systems checked and refined






    Cruising support

    Whether you choose to cruise or sail direct to the port of departure before your ocean crossing - we can support you remotely with our cloud based maintenance software. We advise on good cruising grounds, ports for specific needs, routeing and more.

    • Route & weather planning
    • Shorebased support
    • Logistics & parts

    Ocean support

    We fly out to boat and crew and give a final checkover before the ocean crossing commences.

    This is often a great place to work out minor issues and tweak crew training. After this phase the whole team can be confident of a great crossing.

    We continue to support you via satcom link throughout the crossing.

    • In port assistance
    • Route & weather planning
    • Shorebased support

    Ongoing Management

    We provide ongoing support in a bespoke package to cover your requirements, through our client management programme. With an existing working relationship already, we find this is a common conclusion to a successful Adventure Project programme.

    • Long-term asset management
    • Training and development program
    • Advice in all areas of boating
  • Benefits of working with us

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    Professional management tools

    We use software to track and manage all boat maintenance and management issues. This forms a core process from initial analysis, completion checklists, monitoring and historical records. We give you ongoing access and interactivity to this, whilst we work with you.

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    Industry knowledge & experience

    Our team are experienced in many aspects of cruising, coaching, engineering, communications, sails, hardware, deck, bluewater accessories, electrical and electronics. We also supplement this by working closely with proven suppliers to understand their products and capabilities. We make sure they understand they're working on project boats about to embark on a long distance adventure.

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    UK VAT/Duty suspension on boats we prepare at our base

    We are registered with HM Revenue & Customs, to temporarily import non - VAT paid boats for the purposes of refit and repairs. We can therefore work with UK and overseas clients who wish to bring their yachts to us for bluewater preparation and meet the correct criteria. Duty on the boat and VAT on any materials and services will be suspended whilst under our administration.

  • People we've worked with

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    Simon & Jodi's ARC Prep

    Preparing a couple and their blue water cruiser for the ARC rally.

    Simon & Jodi came to us with a tight time frame. The pandemic had meant they couldn't reach their boat in Jersey for over a year. They were behind schedule and had 6 months before the start. We helped thoroughly prepare their yacht and get them trained up and ready to go ocean sailing...


    Having completed their ARC Atlantic crossing and with a few seasons of Caribbean cruising under their keels, they are now participating in ARC Pacific 2023.

    See what they had to say in the video below. Shot on the eve of the ARC start in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria.